Saturday, January 3, 2009

Random Thoughts


This Christmas Jesus and I didn't buy gifts for each other and we asked our families not to buy gifts for us either. Believe it or not, everyone granted our wish. It was a great Christmas. We were able to focus on the joy of giving as opposed to receiving. I had more fun watching my nieces and nephews open their gifts than anything else.

My Parents

I love them so much. They put us up in Texas for about 2 weeks and were the PERFECT hosts. They waited on us hand and foot. We didn't have one hunger pang the entire vacation because they always had hot, delicious food ready and waiting for us. My parents give and give and give and never ask for anything in return (except a little appreciation). The older I get, the more I can appreciate all the have done and all they do for their children.

Becoming Parents

No parent is perfect (not even mine) and I understand this. Every parent will screw their kid up in some form or fashion. Still, I worry that I will not be a good enough parent, that I will fail somehow. With pregnancy becoming more and more of a reality, my insecurities are popping up more and more. All I've ever really wanted was to have children of my own and raise them well. What if I get the children, but can't raise them well?


I think I want to look into some form of boxing for exercise. I have always had a lot of pent up anger (verging on rage). I don't know where it comes from, but it is there. Jesus has been my punching bag for the last 10 years and he suggested I take up boxing instead. I told him I didn't want to go to work with a busted up lip, but he's pretty sure that there is protection I can wear and that it wouldn't get that serious anyway. I don't know about that -- I've seen women fight and they an get nasty. Still, I think I'm going to look into it. I'd love to punch something really hard!


Anonymous said...

when you take up boxing, im sure you will only be sparring. so you wont really have to worry about the busted lip. unless you decide to fight in a match or something. lol. you might like it.

Anonymous said...

Joe and I tried really hard to skim the wasteful spending this year. We were careful to buy needful gifts. Even the dirty bingo game we play every year at my mom's, where we usually trade a bunch of needless gag gifts, instead we exchanged needful gag gifts, like brillo pads and toilet paper. When Joe came home with a bunch of colognes and lotions for some friends, I went right back to the store and exchanged them for better, needful gifts. In the end, it was really nice.

As a new parent, I have to admit to the being scared part myself. I'm only 3 and 1/2 years into it, and all I can say is we learn as we go. And I don't know how I'm doing, but there are days when she just makes melt and I'm constantly amazed at how she is her own little person. Just knowing you from your blog, I know you and Jesus will be great parents.

Thanks for updating your blog. I hope your school year is going well. I hope your rested up from your break.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Talia... you learn as you go. I probably let David get away with too much because I was raised so strictly (funny, we were raised by the same parents, but I know you got away with more). But, Dan balances me out... just as I balance him out. He was raised the way I parent David, and yet Dan tends to be more strict. anyway, it all works out in the end. As one of my friends puts it, "All your child asks is that you do your very best, every day." As long as you're doing that, you're good. :) -z

GloJoMo said...

Thanks. You're both right. I know we'll do just fine. It's just so easy to get caught up in the worry.

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, no one is a perfect parent and I don't think anyone ever feels really READY for parenthood. You do learn as you go and if you're lucky enough to have a great partner (like I do) you tend to balance each other out. Luckily, when one of us is losing perspective and/or patience, the other one has always been there to take up the slack. You also worry a lot, it just goes with the territory. And it will make you understand and appreciate your own parents even more. Just try to remember that your baby isn't going to be perfect either and may in fact turn out to have a very different personality than you are envisioning. That becomes even more obvious when you have more than one! So try not to have too many expectations of perfection and just be ready to fall in love with the baby you get and enjoy watching him or her become a person! Good luck and I'll keep you in my prayers.