Saturday, August 16, 2008

Petition for Topless Men

Sign below if you agree that the olympic men's beach volleyball teams need to play topless.

1. Glojomo


Anonymous said...

2. Felixchick (im all for hot topless men. the sweatier the better:))

Charmi said...

I'm wavering on this one. You know I want it, but then we get into the whole equal rights for all nakedness thing. I've seen some pretty awful things on the side of the road this summer. Things that should be covered ;-)

GloJoMo said...

Aw, come on Charmi -- I expected more from you!

First, the women are practically naked anyway (have you watched the women's olympic beach volleyball teams?)

Second, we're talking about olympians here, not beer gut guys!

Speaking of seeing things that should be covered... during my travels in India, I saw a man adjusting his dhoti (skirt like wrap that men wear). He opened it a little too wide and didn't have any underwear on. Needless to say, I was flashed and it wasn't pretty!

Kurran said...

3.Kurran Oh, yeah.

Anonymous said...

GLo, you read my mind. Not that I want to see them in speedos, mind you, but the "sex sells" angle of the womens beach volleyball uniforms is SO wrong. Unless the men are near-nekkid, too. :) zanna

Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

You know, those divers don't wear much.

Anonymous said...

mmm the divers. i noticed that.

Anonymous said...

I vote for the topless as well. ;-)

Charmi said...

Okay. In the spirit of equality, I'm in. Let's just hope this doesn't lead to more guys getting the idea that their bodies are Olympic material ;-)