Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I knew that once I got busy again, I'd slip right back into my old ways. Unless, that is, I gave myself a guideline (an ideal) to follow. So before I left India, I made a schedule of what I'd like each day to look like. I'm very pleased that although I haven't kept up with the times I had set up, I have kept up with most of the routine. Now work starts back up next Monday and that's a whole new ball game... but at least I have a good start.

I have eaten a little more than I've wanted to at times... and I have indulged in a few things I originally didn't want to indulge in (banana split, coke), but for the most part I've been eating a lot less than I used to and really thinking about what I choose to put in my mouth before I eat it.

I've set up a little alter in the spare bedroom. Now I just have to make room for it.

Most importantly I'm filled with so much gratitude and happiness. I find it so much easier to see the bright side of things than I did before I left. I really feel blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't be discouraged, there are ? so many days it takes to make/break a habit. It will take time to make the new habits you want and it will take time to break the habits that you no longer want to be a part of your life.

Love, Mom