July 16--
I feel like I deserve a diploma or certificate....
The Ayurveda Clinic of Amritapuri presents
Gloria Moya
with this certificate as proof that
she has successfully completed
4 weeks of Panchakarma treatment
On this 17th day of July, 2008
I am done! I'm feeling really good right now. I have to remember though to take it easy. My body is still recovering.
The kitchen lady is after me again. She wants me to work as cashier at the cafe. I wouldn't mind doing it all because I think they could use someone with some manners working the counter there. But... I'm not supposed to be doing seva AND they are always in bad moods there. I don't want to deal with all that emotion. I'm doing good enough dealing with my own! I think after being with Jesus all the time I prefer male energy to female energy. Females are so emotional (me included) that if you put too many together you have trouble... and that is what the situation is in the western cafe. So, here is another opportunity for me to practice saying no (even though I already said yes). When will I learn my lesson?
I have to pay the $125 fee for changing my flight at least 3 days prior to leaving. There are two nearby offices (meaning about 3 hours away) where I can do that (I don't think they take CC info over the phone here) one is in Trivandrum (where I will fly out of) and the other is Cochin (a.k.a. Kochi). It is a little further, but according to Bob, a much much better place to visit. So, I've decided that I'll go to Cochin to pay the fee and stay a night or two there to do some sight seeing. I asked Jane if she'd be willing to come with me so I don't go alone, but she has committed to some seva and she doesn't want to back out. Other than that, I don't know any other female close to my age (close meaning within 20 years) that might want to or be willing to go. There is a quiet woman here named Patricia -- I could ask her. Anyway, I think I might be going by myself. Which, is really okay with me. I'd prefer to be with a friend, not because I'm afraid so much, but because it is smart. From the women who have traveled by themselves all over India, they say that Kerala is one of the safest places in India. So, I don't think I need to worry -- just be smart and alert. Either way, I have to go pay this fee and I'm not going to pass up the chance to see more of the Indian culture.
Two brothers are staying across the hall from me and they like to cook. Twice I've weaseled my way into eating their dinner. Tonight it was a thick potato soup with grilled cheese and a cucumber and tomato salad. Yummmmmmy! Then tomorrow is the chicken dinner with the Kumars. Eating good food is the best part of being done with Panchakarma.
Well, I'll be home in two weeks! Can't wait to see everybody and kiss my Bub! I'm not looking forward to going almost straight back to work, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do!
July 17 --
I've got my ipod and laptop with me, so I get to listen to my music whenever. I've been lying in bed resting and listening to Corrine Bailey Rae. I like her more and more each time I listen to her sing. Her songs are beautiful and her voice is so sweet and gentle. If you haven't checked her music out, I highly recommend her. She reminds me of a funkier Norah Jones (without the piano), if that makes any sense.
I spoke to a guy named Adam today (from South Africa but lived 20 years in Germany) about his beliefs -- this is what I do, I go around talking to people about how they see things and I always learn something -- and he mentioned these books called The Yoga and Jesus (at least he thinks that is the title) and another one called The Second Coming of Christ. I think he said they were written by Yogananda (sp?) He says the second one is really thick (over 1,000 pages) but the first one is short and to the point. I'm excited to read it because he says that it shows how the ancient Indian texts and the Bible are talking about the same thing, just using different words to describe it. I told him, "That sounds like what I've been saying: That all there are many paths [religions] to God, you just have to chose which path you want to follow." He had a great response, which was, "Actually when you look at all those paths, they're really one and the same, they're just interpreted differently by each culture." I thought -- Yes! That makes more sense... and would explain why each of the religions claim that this is the only way to God!
He also had really good advice when I asked him what his experience with Amma was like. I ask everybody so I can get an idea of what to expect. He said, "I wouldn't ask anybody that and I wouldn't listen to what others have to say about their experience. If you do, you build up expectation and will inevitably be let down." I thought -- What good advice. I tend to build up expectations and then I am usually let down. I will try to let go of any expectations I've built up and just see what happens.
When I told him about Jesus and I wanting a baby, he mentioned that there is a mantra that you can chant for having a baby. When I asked him to tell me it he said, "I'm not going to say it!!" He said he'd look into it and give it to me if he could find it. :)
I've been practicing saying "No". Today I said no three times with absolutely no problem! I think I might actually be learning my lesson!! :) I still need to talk to the kitchen lady though.
The mangy dog has received his topical and oral medication. If he isn't improving in about a week Daya and I decided we'd get him some more medicine and try again. I imagine if there is still no improvement we'll have to call the vet back. The amazing part is that he sat so well during the entire process. First we had to rinse him with water and dry him off. Then we had to rub the ointment in. The whole time he sat, nervously, but he sat! It was a beautiful thing. It went off without a hitch. Ahhh, what a huge relief. I feel like a big weight has been lifted.
The funny part is when the Panchakarma doctor saw me in the store buying gloves. She said, "What are you doing????" She knew I was up to something! I said, "I don't want to tell you. You won't like it." But of course I told her about the dog. She, being an older Indian woman who has grown up in rural India, didn't approve. Not to mention, "Amma said not to pet the animals." To that, I said, "I'm not petting him. I'm healing him, like you heal people." She just shook her head and smiled.
I had a dinner and a movie tonight! Well, not really, but as close as I'm going to get in India. I had a delicious chicken dinner with the Kumar boys (the mom waited until we had our fill) and a few minutes of "American t.v." before the lights went out. Every night Sanal watches The World's Most Amazing Videos. He loves it when something comes on from the U.S. Today we saw a police chase that took place in Texas. He was very excited, since he knows that I grew up in Texas.
The lights go out a for at least 30 minutes each night. The ashram has a generator and so we aren't without power for more than a minute. The villagers on the other hand, just use flashlights. Anyway, the dinner was delicious! They sit on the floor to eat, so I did too. They laughed at me because I was using two hands to eat. They consider the left hand to be dirty (used to be used for wiping -- I don't think they do that anymore -- at least I hope not!)
Afterward, Shankar showed me how to wash up "Indian style" as he puts it. Basically they rinse their hands and forearms with water, then take a few mouthfuls of water, swish, and spit. They rub their teeth/gums with their finger in between the mouthfuls of water.
p.s. Thank you to everyone (Rosanna especially) for overlooking all my typos and misspellings. I haven't been very diligent in proofreading my posts and when I do occasionally look back over them I am shocked at all the mistakes.
July 18 --
I guess I am a little anxious to push the days along because I just realized that I was labeling my blogs a day in advance of the actual date. This is a difficult time for me because I am just waiting. I'm waiting for the rain to stop so I can travel to Cochin. I'm waiting for this guru celebration to finish so I can get some things I need taken care of done. I am waiting for Amma to come. I am waiting to go home and see my Bub (and Ella and Marley). I've never been good at waiting. Another lesson for me to learn.
So, yeah, I woke up to this day long celebration for Amma that I had no idea was coming. The western cafe isn't even open. Everything, I imagine, will be closed today because of this. I had a list of things I wanted to get done today, that I've been putting off for a while like picking up my laundry, that I can't do now.
I got tricked into going up to the altar and bowing in front of the Amma painting. There were two long lines on each side of the altar and food in front of it. Since there was no western cafe and I was hungry, I thought, I'll get in line for this food. The only trick is that everyone goes up to the alter first, bows at her "feet" and puts flowers on the altar. I didn't know this going into it, but there is a huge crowd and I didn't want everyone to see me "disgracing" Amma by taking her food and not bowing to her first. So, I got up there not knowing what I was supposed to do. I finally asked someone and they gave me flowers to put down. I felt like such a fake. I'd rather bow to a tornado than a picture of someone. Anyway, I got the food afterwards. You get a small scoop of rice pudding, a small scoop of sweet brown rice, a small scoop of sweet yellow rice, and a fried muffin looking thing. Believe it or not, it was too sweet for me.
Oh Gloria you crack me up with this "yes but I mean NO" business. Just pretend that you're 10 y/o, that the kitchen ladies are me, and then maybe you'll find it easier to say NO and mean it! LOL
You're welcome for ignoring the typos. I have my share of typos, too... poor spelling, that's a different pet peeve. :)
Have fun in Cachin! -zanna
We received your postcard today and we just want to reiterate that we love you and support all that you do...including not being able to bring back a monkey for Chon. Of course, he did say he would take the monkey dead or alive. Just teasing. :-)
By the way, we are celebrating Estevan's birthday this weekend. He will turn 16 this coming Tuesday...oh my! Remember how little he was when you met him?
I am glad to hear that you have completed the Panchakarma treatment and survived it.
We miss you and are looking forward to you coming home.
Much Love.
I'm missing Chon's 16 birthday!!!! Now I'll really have to find him a monkey to make up for it.
Zanna, I won't apologize for the poor spelling because I realized a long time ago that I am one of those people that will always be a poor speller! But like I said, I have not been checking my writing -- spelling included.
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