July 24--
I figured out how to keep myself from spending too much. I just have to stay on a boat all day long where there are no shops! Today was the backwater boat trip. It was gorgeous and so relaxing. The pictures do all the talking, so I'll let them and post some as soon as possible. (I probably won't post any though until I get home. I'm getting really tired of Indian Internet. It is not very reliable and it takes forever to upload stuff.) The food was very tasty too. I made two friends. Melitta is from Slyvania and Raj is from Hyderbad, India. Melitta is my age and Raj is double that.
It seemed like everyone else on the trip was from France and I have decided that the stereotypes about the French being rude was proved correct today. There was one lady that I really wanted to tell off, but I eventually had to just ignore her and not let her bother me anymore. My friend Raj is a VERY talkative man and this bothered little miss Frenchie. She would give him dirty looks at first and then she finally said, "Could you please be quiet." I was soooo pissed off. My mind ran through a few things I wanted to say to her, "You are in HIS country. If anyone is going to tell anyone how to behave in Indian culture than it would be him telling you to cover up your boobs and shoulders. According to them, you look like a whore! If you don't like to listen to Indians talk -- GET OUT OF INDIA BITCH!"
Wow, okay, I thought I had gotten over it, but I guess I'm still really upset over her behavior. I just don't understand how you can go to someone else's country and expect them to change their behavior for your comfort!?!?!?
I tried REALLY hard to take Amma's advice and see God's light in everyone, but I just didn't see it in her today. I obviously have a long way to go yet.
I was able to see God in the hungry homeless man outside the food court across from my hotel. I decided after I got back from the boat ride and took a shower that I'd go walking around and see what I could find to snack on and do some last minute shopping. (What can I say -- I was no longer trapped on a boat!) I tasted a little bit of this and little bit of that. If I couldn't finish something then I offered it to the homeless guy. At first I thought he might be offended because I was giving him my leftovers, but then I thought, He's begging on the street -- I'm not giving him anything my mouth or fingers have touched -- if he's offended then he's not really hungry. When I gave him the food I bowed a little to let him know that I was giving him the food with respect not out of pity. He gladly accepted.
I think I'd rather spend a whole day with a stinky homeless Indian than a picky French woman.
Tomorrow I'll take the 9:30 am train to Kollam and then a rickshaw back to the ashram.
July 25 --
I have determined that train is the best way to travel in India if you want to really enjoy the culture. I met several helpful people from different parts of India who spoke up to 5 languages each. It was funny to meet Christian Indians. I met two on the train. One was a girl who only spoke Hindi and so I wasn't able to communicate with her -- but she showed me her bible. The other was a guy said he recently converted. He asked me why I wasn't a Christian. I explained about the whole Jesus or Hell thing and the fact that my family has tried so hard to "save" me that it has just made my dislike* for Christianity stronger. Then I explain why I like Hinduism.
(*Just to reiterate -- All religions are saying the same thing. I just don't like the pushy "Jesus-Or-Hell" attitude of the people who represent Christianity. I realize I have a bias towards it and I'm working on letting that go.)
I got to see some beautiful countryside and I was able to spread out and be comfortable. Not to mention is was MUCH cheaper than going the whole way by taxi.
On getting back I stopped at the Kumars for Chai right away. Sanal was finishing up his last exam so he wasn't there. It is difficult for me to communicate with the other family memebers, so I thought I'd share my stories with Sanal tomorrow. I brought Sanal the Kochi newpaper (that I got free every morning) because he seems to be very interested in worldly happenings. I thought he might enjoy seeing some of the things happening in the big city. I didn't end up bringing them a pizza from Pizza Hut as I had wanted because I left at 9:30 am and they wouldn't be open by that time in the morning. In fact, it seems most places open around that time or 10 am.
I went to the evening Archana, caught up with a few friends, attended the last 30 minutes of Bajhans, ate dinner and now I'm ready for bed!
I'm having an amazing time here in India and I'm trying to take every bit of culture back with me. I hate to see this wonderful time come to an end, but at the same time I can't wait to be home with my Bub. Last night I couldn't fall asleep and so I turned on the t.v. and I caught an episode of 30 Rock and it made me miss him so much. Not only is that our favorite sitcom, but I was laughing so hard it reminded me of how my Bub makes me laugh. I miss that. I miss my puppies and my bed. Also, I can't wait to see the basement that Jesus has worked so hard on!
Love you all. Goodnight.
I have a feeling Ganesh would say there's a deeper reason the French woman bugged you so much... probably because she reminds you of me! "Be QUIET!" LOL
No mistake, when you have any feelings over anything, it is a very strong and passionate. I love reading about your adventures.
What I would love to read the most is what you have learned and gained from your experiences (after you return and reflect upon them).
the first comment was from me. Sorry, I forget my name isn't attached. zanna
Not to worry Zanna -- I knew right away who it was! :) And yes, I'm sure Ganesh would pick up on the fact that something deeper was going on there. And what is stranger is that she did remind me of you because of your sensitivity to noise. However, I think you have more manners than that!
Also, I wanted to say Zanna, that I appreciate all your comments on my blog. For several reasons. #1 -- because I know your reading them and thinking about them which means a lot to me -- it means you care. But especially #2 -- because you are always challenging me to think about my thoughts in a different way. Thank you. :)
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