I'm tempted to complain about all the things I have to do and how I don't have enough time for this or that. But the truth is that it is all a state of mind. I think I just need to be present in the moment and enjoy it and quit worrying about all the things I have to do.
**SIGH**, I'm trying really hard to hold on to the lessons I learned in India. It is just so difficult to apply them in the U.S.
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It was really good to see you.
Maybe stress about too much to do means you should think about what needs to go? I work on this constantly.
Hey Glo, I'm going to buy you one of those "old geezer" note pads to keep in your pocket...like the one I had when you and Jesus visted and I needed to keep track of the various things we needed (er..make that wanted) to do to the house and buy for groceries. Keeping track of them on paper really cut back on brain waves wasted on worrying about forgetting something...and it helped me prioritize the list too. But probably the most helpful was realizing which things should get done and which are just distractions...cuz I'm very easily distracted.
Thanks guys, both great ideas!
Charmi, I have been thinking about that one. The truth is that the only thing I can think of that can go is being on the internet everyday. Every other minute of the day is either, eating, sleeping, working, walking the dogs, straightening up the house, or taking care of myself (yoga, meditation, shower, etc.). Very little is spent on t.v., internet, and Jesus. The only reason t.v. is coming into play is because of the Olympics.
However, I was thinking that maybe I could cut down on small talk at work (it is a favorite past time of teachers) which would save me some time there.
I rode my bike to work a couple of times and really liked it, but I stopped that to save on time!
Dave, I have been thinking about keeping one of those with me so that when I'm trying to sleep (which by the way, has not been a problem since I've been waking up at 4:30 every morning) or trying to meditate and all I can think about is work, I can write down my thoughts and then let them go.
Sometimes you really have to think out of the box. Riding your bike to work is great!
I personally think we spend too many hours working. My old doctor worked 2 1/2 days a week, as did her dentist husband. I know, I know, they have $$ in those professions. I average about a 30-hour work week, with wild swings of highs and lows. Right now my goal is to walk 1 1/2 hours a day, for both physical and mental health. I combine meditation with exercise. Housework is not high on my list ;-)
Yeah, it is really hard for me to cut back on my work hours. At some point I can't cut back. I contractually have to be at work by 8am and can leave at 3:30pm. I usually am there by 7:30 and stay until 4:30 or 5:30. There is a lot of motivation to stay and work extra hours because it really pays off. The more prepared you are before they show up, the smoother you day goes when they do. At least I don't bring much work home anymore!! Before I'd stay later and still bring work home. Each year I find more and more ways to avoid bringing work home.
But, I do get what you're saying. If I really feel I need more time, then there are ways to rearrange things. I'll just have to get creative. I did like riding my bike because I was able to combine exercise and transportation to work into one activity.
Good luck with finding time for a long walk.
I'm thinking on much more radical terms! Way, way out of the box. Imagine a new job, maybe still teaching, but differently, not as many hours. Job share? I don't know. I know this: Most people live lives that are out of balance and little tweaks here and there aren't enough to fix it. Me included.
I've been pulling off my long walk 3-4 times a week. Other days I get at least 20 minutes in.
Good luck!
Yeah, I was thinking about that right before I came back home from India. I just don't see how I can keep this job and live the life I want to live.
I'll have to think that one over a good deal. Thanks!
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