June 19th -- Another great day. I woke up at 4:00 this morning and made it to Archana. Then at 6:00 I went for my first ayurvedic treatment which is just a simple massage with some interesting smelling oils. The difference it that have you get completely naked and they do not cover you with anything. This is very difficult to get used to. But, this doctor (who actually did the massage herself -- I don’t think this is usual) has such a motherly way about her that you feel ok with it. After the massage (1 hour) she took me to the shower and washed my back for me. Then after I came out she had some tea for me to drink and she dried my hair for me. I felt like a little girl again, like my mom was taking care of me. It was very nice. Then, I went and meditated for a while.
At 8:00 it was time to help with the cows. Everything went very smooth today until the guy who I call “Shawn” (because that is the only sounds I can make out of his name) thought I could handle the cow that hates people. She got me in the stomach with her horns. It scared me more than it hurt. But now, I have a bruise or tender spot there. I’m going to tell him that I don’t want to be near that cow anymore!
Next it was time for breakfast. They had these beautiful cinnamon scones and I had some coffee with warm milk and jaggery. Yum. Pizza was up and at it early today. She was terrorizing some young female (Indian) student doctors who were eating at the western cafe today. I was lucky though, she was gone by the time I was ready to eat my scone. I have seen her/him with another eagle circling the skies in the morning hours from the balcony view in front of the elevators on my floor. Today I was lucky enough to see them from my bedroom window. Beautiful.
I chopped vegetables again today for part of my seva. This took forever and was not fun because half of the vegetables were rotten, but Amma believes in wasting as little as possible, so you have to cut out all the rotten stuff and chop up what is left. This is not fun!
Later I took Deklan into town because he has been craving chicken ever since he heard that I had some. I was able to trade my already-opened medicine bottle for more services from the guys wife. I told him today would not be good, because I had Deklan, but some other day. He agreed.
I also picked up some pants I ordered to be made for me by the tailor. The only problem is they are like 2 sizes too big. I have to go back tomorrow and ask them to fix them.
Technically I am no supposed to go to town during my ayurvedic treatment. But I need to finish my business there and then I will stop. In the meantime, I’ll take it as easy as possible. Good news is, so far I’m doing the easy part. It gets tougher later on. I go back tomorrow at 6:00am for another massage!
Love to all.
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